Sanskrit Online Test Set 2
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1. The boy in the story ‘Love Defiled’ developed cold feel towards trying the knot with the girl due to…… (2019 A) A) difference in their castes B) difference in their religions C) parental opposition D) his dislike for her उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) parental opposition 2. The duration of love affairs in the story … Read more
1. The mother in ‘Two Horizons’ was ………. to read the letter of her daughter. (2020 A) A) disturbed B) angry C) jealous D) delighted उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (A) disturbed 2. The daughter performed her duties without any [2021 (A)] A) anger B) frustration C) depression D) protest उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (D) protest 3. Who … Read more
1. Moon is a …………….child. A) grave B) cheerful C) gloomy D) none of these उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (B) cheerful 2. Who dressed Sun and Moon ? A) Father B) Mother C) Uncle D) Nurse उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (D) Nurse 3. What was the colour of Moon’s shoes ? A) gray B) black C) white … Read more
1. Who was Mr. Gessler ? [2021 (A)] A) A goldsmith B) A carpenter C) A shoe maker D) A farmer उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) A shoe maker 2. What was the author’s opinion about Mr. Gessler as a shoe maker ? A) Man of good nature B) Good boot maker C) Jealous in nature … Read more
1. The prisoner asked only for ……………. in the second year of imprisonment. [2021 (A)] A) novels B) classics C) piano D) poetry उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (B) classics 2. The lawyer read only books with …………….themes in his first year of confinement. [2021 (A)] A) Serious B) Violent C) Light D) Sad उत्तर देखें उत्तर- … Read more
1. Which of the following is caused by Allergy ?[2021 (A)] A) Fever B) Eczema C) Asthma D) All of the above उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (D) Option 2. The clinical use of inhaled ………… is currently gaining ground due to their anti inflammatory effects. A) Steroids B) Proteins C) Allergens D) Antibodies उत्तर देखें उत्तर- … Read more
1.Premchand is the pen name of [2021 (A)] A) Dhanpat Pandey B) Dhanpat Rai C) Dhanpat Mistri D) Dhanpat Mishra उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (B) Dhanpat Rai 2. Halku heard some munching and crunching sounds com- ing from the [2021 (A)] A) House B) Fields C) Terrace D) Groves उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (B) Fields 3. Munni … Read more