English Poetry Obj chapter 8

1. ‘And her beauty far away’ – is from [2021 (A)] A) Thinner Than a Crescent B) Martha C) Koel D) Ode on Solitude उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (B) Martha 2. Martha’s stories were about …………. and fairies who lived a long time ago. [2021 (A)] A) gnomes B) children C) ghosts D) adults उत्तर देखें … Read more

English Poetry Obj chapter 6

1…………has charred the Koel’s wings. [2021 (A)] A) Fire of Lust B) Fire of Love C) Fire of Greed D) Fire of Desire उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (B) Fire of Love 2. The high pitched strains of the koel awakes in the poet’s soul a thousand. [2021 (A)], [2018 (A)] A) dreams B) desires C) memories … Read more

English Poetry Obj chapter 7

1.”….. but what a stout human figure!” – the poet is referring to the [2021 (A)] A) porter B) mountain-climber C) doctor D) lawyer उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (A) porter 2. The porter’s structure is [2021 (A)] A) hefty B) fat C) thin D) skeleton-like उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (D) skeleton-like 3. Who is the poet of … Read more

English Poetry Obj chapter 5

1. ‘Greed is endless, but life is not’ – is from [2021 (A)] A) The Empty Heart B) Koel C) God Made the Country D) Thinner Than a Crescent उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (A) The Empty Heart 2. ‘The Empty Heart’ has been composed by― (2019 A) A) Periyasamy Thooran B) Keki N. Daurwalla C) Sarojini … Read more

English Poetry Obj chapter 4

1. ‘Greed is endless, but life is not’ – is from [2021 (A)] A) The Empty Heart B) Koel C) God Made the Country D) Thinner Than a Crescent उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (A) The Empty Heart 2. ‘The Empty Heart’ has been composed by― (2019 A) A) Periyasamy Thooran B) Keki N. Daurwalla C) Sarojini … Read more

English Poetry Obj chapter 3

1.What happens when it gets a little heated? [2021 (A)] A) It melts down B) It becomes solid C) It vaporises D) None of these उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (A) It melts down 2. A polythene bag does not get…………? (2020 A) A) torn B) destroyed C) dissolved D) assimilated उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) dissolved 3. … Read more

English Poetry Obj chapter 2

1. The man is content to get his food from his [2021 (A)] A) cattle B) parents C) fields D) relatives उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) fields 2. Hours, days and years slide away…………..for the happy man. [2021 (A)] A) Hard B) Quickly C) Softly D) Tensely उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) Softly 3. Meditation ………… the … Read more

English Poetry Obj chapter 1

1. Where does a happy man live? [2021 (A)] A) In forests B) In towns C) In his native land D) In metropolitan cities उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) In his native land 2. According to William Cowper, villages possess the gift of health and……………. that towns and cities can never have. [2021 (A)] A) virtue … Read more

English Prose Obj chapter 8

1. What was in the yard? [2021 (A)] A) Cold water B) Hot water C) Dirty water D) None of these उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) Dirty water 2. Malasha put down her foot and splashed dirty water on to Akoulya’s A) Hands B) Neck C) Frock D) Hair उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) Frock 3. The … Read more

English Prose Obj chapter 7

1. ‘The Unity of Indian Culture’ was a lecture delivered by Humayun Kabir in― (2019 A) A) Banglore University B) Baroda University C) Delhi University D) Bombay University उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (B) Baroda University 2. Who has delivered the speech ‘The Unity of Indian Cul- ture?’ (2019 A) A) Humayun Kabir B) Dr. Trinath Mishra … Read more