English Prose Obj chapter 6

1. The old woman was………….. enough to know she could not help the young people [2018] A) stupid B) intelligent C) strong D) suspicious उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) Option 2.Who is the writer of “Once upon a Time”? [2018] A) R.C. Hutchinson B) Toni Morrison C) Leo Tolstoy D) Satyajit Ray उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) … Read more

English Prose Obj chapter 5

1. Aris firmly believed that his mother would have acceptedthe prize for all the……………..of Burma, not for herself- [2018, 2021AIIJ A) people B) monks C) politicians D) soldiers उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) Option 2. Who is the writer of “Acceptance Speech”? [2018] A) Toni Morrison B) Aung San Suu Kyi C) Jon Lexau D) Leo … Read more

English Prose Obj chapter 4

1. In ‘What is wrong with Indian Films?’ the author compares Indian films with…….films. [2018] A) Korean B) Japanese C) Western D) Pakistani उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) Option 2. The Cinema …… in various measures the function of poetry, music, painting, drama, architecture and a host of other arts, major and minor. [2018]* A) combines … Read more

English Prose Obj chapter 3

1. When the narrator sat down to write, Gillu wanted to catch her…. [2018AI] A) attention B) pen C) papers D) hair उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) Option 2.Gillu’s favourite food was – [2018AI, 2020AII] A) rice B) bread C) kaju D) jam उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) Option 3. “Gillu’ is about true friendship between a … Read more

English Prose Obj chapter 2

Class 10th Objective Question Chapter 2 1.The narrator told Mr. Williams not to burn leaves as it is ………………..for the air and ecology.[2021 (A)] ? A) Excellent B) Bad C) Good D) Helpful उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (B) Bad 2. What type of pollution is created by compost, according to Mr. Williams?[2021 (A)] A) Air Pollution … Read more

English Prose Obj chapter 1

Class 10th Objective Question Chapter 5 1. The main character in “Pace for Living”, which theauthor saw was a/an ……………..corn merchant- [2018AI, 2021AI] A) Elder B) young C) handicapped D) diabetic उत्तर देखें उत्तर- (C) Option 2. The author admits that quick travel does not give thetraveller the real……. of travel- A) Pains B) pleasure … Read more

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Polity Chapter 4 “लोकतंत्र की उपलब्धियाँ”

प्रश्नावली के प्रश्न और उनके उतर दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Long Answer Questions ) : प्रश्न 1. लोकतंत्र किस तरह उत्तरदायी एवं वैध सरकार का गठन करता है? उत्तर-निम्नलिखित बातों से ज्ञात होता है कि लोकतंत्र उत्तरदायी और वैध सरकार का गठन करता है : (i) उत्तरदायी सरकार-लोकतंत्र में सांसद या विधायक जनता द्वारा चुने जाते … Read more